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Slots are the designation of lines in buildings that can be expanded by players.
Each building has a different number of starting slots.

It is divided into the following lines and they each have their own maximum limit
  • Shelves ( only in stores )
10 + 1 per level + 1 per additional building permit
  • Warehouses ( production buildings and storage buildings )
10 + 5 per level +1 per building permit (above the first one)
Expansion: 72000sec * old number of slots
  • Production lines ( production buildings )
5 + 2 per level
  • Advertising campaigns ( advertising agencies only )
10 + 5 per level
  • Research groups ( research labs )
10 + 5 per level

Due to the maximum number of employees per slot, the production area in production buildings should not exceed 150,000m³.

Production lines, advertising campaigns and research groups are also occasionally designated as action slots.