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Version vom 29. Mai 2014, 22:43 Uhr von Cain (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „How to calculate the storage space consumption? Each product requires a certain amount of storage space . For a full range you need 8m ². A detailed overview…“)
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How to calculate the storage space consumption?

Each product requires a certain amount of storage space . For a full range you need 8m ². A detailed overview can be found in the product overview .

Storage space on the wholesale market and syndicate internal wholesale market : the available storage space includes together the wholesale market and the consortium internal wholesale market the available storage space is calculated as 25 % of its storage areas + 1000m ² flat rate ie : each player has 1000m ² warehouse space available on the wholesale market expanded is by 25 % of its storage space in production and warehouses. Ex: 2 mills per 500m ² warehouse , 1 warehouse, 1000m ² warehouse = 2000m ² ; 25 % = 500m ²; +1000 M² flat rate = 1500m ² warehouse on the wholesale market the bearing surface on the wholesale market is full, the truck drives back to the starting building. as long as the free storage space is > 0, the entire transport is still stored. The free storage space then goes into the red ! CAUTION: Car Transportation and manual transportation to wholesale market start even if the wholesale warehouse is full and then turn around again! the used storage space on the wholesale market is seen in the wholesale market under " own products "