Advertising agency

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Advertising agency

Gebaeude 70.gif

  • Category: Company building
  • Available from level: 0
  • Expansion costs: 200,-€ per m²
  • New construction time & closed extension: 324sec per m² (9h per 100m²)
  • Expansion time with open building: 648sec per m² (18h per 100m²)
  • Minimum building size: 100 m² total area
  • Maximum building size: 10.000 m² + 10.000 m² per current manager level (Lvl 5 unlimited)
  • Starting advertising slots: 1
  • Maximum advertising slots: 10 + 5 per current manager level
  • required m² per MA: 100
  • Maximum workers per production line: 40

  • The land costs depend on the distance to the urban area.
  • The further away, the cheaper.
  • Directly on the outskirts of the city, the costs are €74.250 and then €750 less per field.

How does advertising behave?

Depending on the setting, advertising increases the business reputation of a store or the product reputation of a self-produced end product.

A maximum of 40 employees can be assigned to each advertising line.

The employees can be trained up to level 10, which results in a bonus of 36%.
The training costs 100€ x level per employee.
The advertising value is 0.3 - 0.408 (depending on employee qualification) points per employee in 24 hours.

The advertising and thus the new reputation is calculated every 30 minutes (x:10 and x:40).

At 0.01am, 10% of the value available at that moment (if the value is greater than 10 and the company value is over 1.000.000€) is deducted.
Either one end product or one store can be promoted per advertising campaign.
Several advertising campaigns on one product or one business are not successful, only one of the values (possibly even the lower one) is added.

Special feature of business advertising:

Only store can be advertised.
The different business types have a basic reach.
In most cases 6, i.e. the range from the location is 6 fields in all 4 directions, which in this case is 169 fields. With max range +4 in the case of 10 it is 441 fields.
The range results from the call points of the building.

  • <30 points basic range.
  • >30 and <70 range+1.
  • >70 and <110 range +2.
  • >110 and <150 range +3.
  • >150 range +4.

If there are empty shelves with a company value of €25 million or more, or empty shelves with a company value of €625 million or more, the business reputation drops by 0.1 points per tick and shelf.

An advertising tower increases the reputation value of the building by 10 reputation points as long as it is active. A radio advertisement increases the advertising value in the activated advertising slot by 10%

Special feature product advertising:

Product advertising is strongly influenced by the quality of the product.
The higher the quality (up to a value of 50), the higher the advertising success.
If the quality and the reputation diverge too much, the success of the advertising decreases again (visible in the decreasing factor).

Example: 10 employees achieve an advertising value of 3 points in 24 hours. This applies from a product quality of 50.
With a quality of 0, 10% is deducted, leaving 2.7 points.
With a quality of 25, 5% is still deducted, leaving 2.85 points.